“Smart Life Evolution”中意设计创新展由清华大学、米兰理工大学指导,清华大学美术学院、米兰理工大学设计学院、中意设计创新基地主办,jntc·江南体彩(中国)体育官方网站旗下jntc·江南体彩(中国)体育官方网站意大利公司和意大利 Wise society 联合策划组织。
"Smart Life Evolution" China-Italy Design Innovation Exhibition is hosted by Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano, and China-Italy Design Innovation Hub and organized by famous Chinese school-run enterprise Tus-Holdings and Italian Wise Society.
The exhibition will open a fantastic window of China-Italy scientific and technological innovation and creative design for you. You will meet first-class design masters, experts and scholars from China and Italy; you will see the latest ideas and achievements in the smart life and innovation in design in both China and Italy.
Science & Technology changing the world. Design Promoting the Smart Life Evolution!
Come and join us!